Serial Experiments Lain

 Over spring break, due to a series of unfortunate events I was not able to go anywhere or really do anything. Therefore, I took some time to watch an anime that had been recommended to me by a friend called "Serial Experiments Lain", which he said he thought I would really like along with saying how strange it is. I have seen some weird shows before, but this one certainly takes the cake as I have absolutely no clue what happened in the entire second half. It was interesting enough to keep me watching, which is a feat that most shows cannot achieve, but I really couldn't actually process and of what happened. The show is about a girl named Lain and her intricate connection to the internet, and I don't think I can honestly describe what the point is or even really what it's about without spoiling stuff. I think it's a good show and would probably recommend it even though I have no clue why. Some of the animation is a tad crusty, because it is an anime from the 90s, and there's some parts that use real-life footage, but overall it's not bad. I think the show has some message about how the internet and real life will become completely interconnected, which has become true, but I honestly don't know how to articulate the meaning of this show.

God is in the Wired in 'Serial Experiments Lain' / Pen ペン


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