The Tuna King


    I have always had a fascination with the sea and its animals from a young age; I think this comes from being from one of the maritime centers of the US. There, sailing is a common pastime, fishing is something you can make a living from, and while the brackish waters of the bay do not allow for the giant fish of the ocean, I still can marvel at what it would be like to see giant tuna.

   The video is about a man named Yukitaka Yamaguchi who cuts, grades, and sells tuna for a living at the Tsukiji Market in Tokyo. His insights on Tuna and how one should treat their craft are interesting, and I would recommend watching if you are a fan of sashimi or food in general. I could hear many of the particles he said, although  his speech was very fast, which is good practice as it is realistic. 

Here is the link:


  1. Yo Bluefin Tuna are insane. They are huge and can be extremely expensive. Sometimes I find myself watching videos of fishermen chopping them up. It's really quite a strange pastime of mine, but I would highly recommend it.

  2. Tuna is definitely something I would try in Japan. Especially if its fresh. Have you ever watched the show Wicked Tuna? It's about the fishermen who catch tuna and it's pretty interesting imo.


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