Good day everyone, My name is Thomas Reimer and I am from Bowie, Maryland. I have lived there for all of my life but I attended high school for all 4 years in Washington D.C. at a small monastic school. I am a Chemistry and Math major and I am living in Dillon Hall, and I do aspire to eventually study abroad. I wanted to learn Japanese for quite a few reasons, first of all even though the universal academic language is English there are still many brilliant Japanese researchers in the fields of Math and Science, and I wish to be able to work with people in their own language if need be, or simply just read their journaled thoughts in their mother tongue. I also am a fan of anime, manga, Japanese games and  Japanese music, although recently I have not watched too much. The Japanese language also is so interesting to me, as it is visually beautiful and from what I do know has a particle system akin to Latin's declensions which help to imply meanings even in simple phrases. I am very excited for the upcoming semester, and although it will be challenging I hope to appreciate said challenge.


  1. お早うございます
    Hi Thomas, I was also in Dillon last semester, but I am off campus now. Really glad to know you in this class. I also am fun of anime, and this is one of the reasons why I choose Japanese class. I want to know more about Japanese culture. Maybe in the future, I can understand Japanese movies without translation. Learning a new language and culture is interesting. We can develop new perspectives and Modes of thinking.

  2. こんにちわ. It sounds super interesting how you have personal interests but also academic reasons for wanting to learn Japanese. I wish you the best in your journey and look forward to your success! 👍

  3. Hi Thomas! I took Latin in high school, so your connection between Japanese and Latin is super interesting and relevant to me as well. I also appreciate your connection to math and science, as a STEM major myself! Looking forward to this semester!

  4. Hi Thomas! I think your interest in Japan demonstrates the combination that Japanese is able to represent, both in terms of more ancient ideas present in the language and its cultural representations- like that of Manga, Anime, and music- but also the more modern representation as a leading figure in math, science and industry. Hopefully you are able to complete your goal of being fluent in the language by the end of senior year!


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