わたしの しゅまつに なにを しました。

- わたしの しゅまつ -

どようびに じゅうにじはんごろ おきました、そして SDHで いちじごろ ひるごはんを たべました、そのあと さんじごろ わたしの とまだちの へやに いきました。へやで さんじはんに フットボール ゲームを みました、 それでも わたしは あまり フットボール ゲームを みません。どようびのばん カイネスを たべました、そして じゅうにじごろ ねました。にちようびに  としょかんで べんきょしました、 でも しゅくだいお しませんでした。(ごめんねさい、 ピクチャーが ありません。)

-こんしゅの ミュージック:きのこ帝国「夜が明けたら」(Demo)-

I generally only listen to music whilst I do work (and at that only really during my physics and math work) which has led to me not having a very broad musical taste, as I don't listen to songs enough to get tired of them. I also tend to be quite picky and I rarely seek out new music, so for me to have heard something I basically need to have been given it on a silver platter by either a friend or the YouTube algorithm. This album came up the second way, however it was not completely random, as I had heard of the band きのこ帝国 (lit. Mushroom Empire) before through a friend. I don't know quite how to describe the music as I lack the experience is critiquing and the technical knowledge that comes along with said experience, but the music sounds raw, wispy and messy (but in a good way). My favourite song is the last one, 夜が明けたら(lit. When the Dawn Comes), which I found a later version of (as this album is just test tracks). Vocabulary wise, I was able to recognize particles and some general sentence structure, although I do not know the meaning of most words. Overall I quite like the album and I will listen to more from the band, I would recommend for when you want something very low energy to listen to.


  1. レイーマさん、フットボール ゲーム いい でしたか? わたしわ フットボール ゲームを みませんでした。

  2. わたしもともだちのへやでフートボールゲームをみました。SDHでなにをたべましたが?


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